Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stupid Fashionable Things...

Some things just puzzle me. I see people wearing/doing/saying them, and I wonder if they realize how much they are embarrassing themselves. I bet they only reason they're doing/wearing/saying it is to follow a trend. Blind trendfollowing is most laughable...so, laugh! ha! ha! ha!

1) Souduku puzzles

WHAT? I don't get these. I see girls doing them on the bus, during class...is this not one of the most boring puzzles? I mean, adding numbers? Since when was that fun?

2) Leggings

Whyyyy won't....you...go...away...already...YAY! Leggings v. 2.0! Now comes in "wetlook" and "lame"!

3) Lack of Eyebrows

whaaat? I guess this doesn't even count as "fashionable". I don't know who invented this look, but unless they actually lost their eyebrows due to some medical condition, SHAME ON THEM, I say!

4) Posting drunken pictures on facebook

You know you're thinking about facebook too much when even the drunk version of yourself insists on snapping some photos so you can put them in your profile! booo! Nobody wants to see your bloodshot eyes!


Samantha Decker said...

I very much agree with you on sudoku puzzles..they look like math homework to me! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Christina Aguilera's eyebrows are that thin. R U DUMB?

Anonymous said...

hah facebook - everyone channeling their inner harlot. I'm so over it now, especially with the new infinite add-ons that people add-on ad nauseum and expect you to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

omg the whole facebook thing is so true. I yell at my friends all the time. "You look bad in that picture why would you put it up? You don't even remember having it taken!"

Anonymous said...

um..dude...sudoko has nothing to do with adding numbers....you could play sudoko with pictures, it wouldnt matter. Its just using the numbers as a symbol, lol


:P Nah, im kidding.
agree with most of the stuff there though.

Anonymous said...

Sudoku is about logic, NOT math, and it's quite fun if you try it.

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love ur blog! keep writing!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

keep writing!!!!!!!!! i miss ur bloging!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

you forgot one thing tres a la mode:

useless comments on blog posts :
and so on, and so on